Fame | Lester Hudson net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Lester Hudson? When is Lester Hudson's birthday? Where is Lester Hudson born? Where did Lester Hudson grow up from? What's Lester Hudson's age?

Lester Hudson Born: 1984 (age 39years), Memphis, TN

How about Lester Hudson's 2023present?

Lester Hudson 2023present: Liaoning Yisheng Arctic Wolves

How about Lester Hudson's education?

Lester Hudson Education: University of Tennessee at Martin, Southwest TN community college, Central High School

How tall is Lester Hudson in meters or centimeters?

Lester Hudson Height: 6 3

How about Lester Hudson's number?

Lester Hudson Number: 14 (LA Clippers / Shooting guard), 14 (Liaoning Flying Leopards / Guard)

How about Lester Hudson's salary?

Lester Hudson Salary: 55,774 USD (2015)

How about Lester Hudson's picked date?

Lester Hudson Picked date: 2015 (LA Clippers), 2014 (Liaoning Flying Leopards), 2012 (Cleveland Cavaliers, Memphis Grizzlies)

Has anyone ever had a quadruple double in college basketball?

Lester Hudson III (born August 7, 1984) is an American professional basketball player for the Shandong Heroes of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA). In the 2007\u201308 season, Hudson recorded the only quadruple-double in NCAA Division I men's basketball history.
