Fame | Maurice Clarett net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Maurice Clarett? When is Maurice Clarett's birthday? Where is Maurice Clarett born? Where did Maurice Clarett grow up from? What's Maurice Clarett's age?

Maurice Clarett Born: October 29, 1983 (age 39years), Youngstown, Ohio, United States

How about Maurice Clarett's movies?

Maurice Clarett Movies: Youngstown Boys

How about Maurice Clarett's parents?

Maurice Clarett Parents: Myke Clarett Sr., Michelle Renee Clarett

How about Maurice Clarett's education?

Maurice Clarett Education: Warren G. Harding High School, The Ohio State University

How tall is Maurice Clarett in meters or centimeters?

Maurice Clarett Height: 1.8m

How about Maurice Clarett's picked date?

Maurice Clarett Picked date: 2010 (Omaha Nighthawks), July 28, 2005 (Denver Broncos)

How about Maurice Clarett's 40 yard dash time?

Maurice Clarett 40 yard dash time: 4.72seconds

Did Maurice Clarett play in the NFL?

During his freshman year at Ohio State University in 2002, he helped lead the Buckeyes to a national championship. In a widely unexpected move, Clarett was drafted on the first day of the 2005 NFL Draft with the final pick of the third round (#101 overall) by the Denver Broncos.

When was Maurice Clarett at Ohio State?

Maurice Clarett spent one season with the Buckeyes during their 2002 title run, and now, his daughter, Jayden, is set to continue his legacy at Ohio State.

What number was Maurice Clarett at Ohio State?

#13 Maurice Clarett Ohio State Buckeyes For Men's College Football Jersey - White.

Who wore number 13 for Ohio State?

#13 Maurice Clarett Ohio State Buckeyes For Men's College Football Jersey - White.
