Shahid Kapoor shared a photo of himself and his newlywed sister Sanah Kapur on Instagram. He penned a beautiful caption for his sister to go along with the joyful photo. It said, "How time flies and little bitto is now a bride. All grown up all too soon my baby sister … an emotional beginning to a wonderful new chapter. Dearest @sanahkapur15 wishing you and Mayank sunshine and good vibes always…"
Shahid looked dashing in a black kurta with a matching jacket, while Sanah wore a blue and red lehenga with a gorgeous smile on her face.
Sanah married Manoj Pahwa and Seema Pahwa's son Mayank in Mahabaleshwar. Naseeruddin Shah, Ratna Pathak Shah, and their son Vivaan Shah also attended the wedding.
In 2015, Sanah appeared in Shahid's film 'Shaandaar.'
Shahid's next role will be in the film 'Jersey.' In the film, he will portray the role of a cricket player. The film is set to be released in theatres in April.
View this post on Instagram More on: Shahid Kapoor, Sanah Kapur, SHahid Kapoor, Mira Rajput, SHahid Mira, Shahid Kapoor Mira Rajput, Sanah Kapur wedding, Shahid Kapoor fashion, Shahid Kapoor dress, Shahid Kapoor outfits, Mira Rajput in saree, Entertainment News, Bollywood News, Hindi Movies News, Supriya Pathak, Pankaj Kapur, Mira Kapoor, mayank, instagramncG1vNJzZmivp6x7p7XLpp2aqpVjsLC5jqecsKtfl7ytuNiwpqicX6i1orTInWSkmaCkvLN50qGYq52jYq5uvMicq66qlWLEqsDHZp%2Biq12jsri42GaunpxdqLa0wMSrZKyZnpa1brfAqayrZWVngXl8jaGrpqQ%3D